Sponsorship Opportunity

Sankofa Innovations, LLC. is proud to offer sponsorship opportunities to community partners, organizations, and individuals. Please read the information below and then contact us if you have any questions, or are interested in becoming a sponsor.
Sponsorship Benefits
- Brand Exposure: Reach a diverse and engaged audience through event marketing and promotion.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with influential speakers, attendees, and other sponsors.
- Community Impact: Support empowering and celebrating African American, minority, and underrepresented voices and experiences.

Event Overview
- Event Name: “blackVOICESnow Raleigh
- Date/Time: November 23, 2024 6:00 pm
- Location: The ACE Center 7027 Knightdale Blvd. Knightdale, NC
- Description: Gathering influential African American, minority, and underserved speakers to share insights, experiences, and inspiration. The event celebrates diversity, promotes empowerment, and fosters community engagement.
- Website:
"blackVOICESnow Raleigh" 

Sponsorship Levels
1. Platinum Sponsor- $500
- Full-page advertisement in the event program.
- Five(5) VIP event registrations.
- Full Marketing table in the vendor area

- Company logo on all event materials, website, and social media.
- 2-minute advertisement from the stage during the event.

2. Gold Sponsor - $250
- Half-page advertisement in the event program.
- Five (2) VIP event registrations.
- Full Marketing table in the vendor area

- Company logo on event materials, website, and social media.
- 1-minute advertisement from the stage during the event.

3. Silver Sponsor - $75
- Quarter-page advertisement in the event program.
- One (1) VIP event registration.

- Company logo on event materials and website.

In-Kind Sponsorships
- Media Partner: Provide media coverage and promotion in exchange for branding opportunities.
- Catering Partner: Provide food and beverages in exchange for branding opportunities.
- Venue Partner: Provide venue space in exchange for branding opportunities.

Sponsorship funds due by Oct. 31st.

Contact information below!